Tournament Tourist

When one develops a taste for archery, what frequently follows is a taste for measuring oneself in a tournament setting. Here in Oklahoma, we are blessed with a large array of local competitive events for archers of all levels. There are no pre-shoot qualifications; anyone who pays the entry fee is welcome to take part. You can easily slake…

The Sport of Man Since Time Began

  Over the last few years, we have had the privilege of teaching both Boy Scouts and Scout Leaders about archery. Whether in a Merit Badge class or a training session to ready volunteers to run archery ranges at various events and camps, my favorite aspect of the curriculum has always been about the history of…

The Most Important Arrow

“Focus on your goals, one arrow at a time.” – Jane Johnson Joe and I have had the privilege in the last few years of receiving our USA Archery certification training both from Jane Johnson, the grande dame of archery in Oklahoma, and Tom and Kathleen Stevenson, world class coaches and competitors. One of Miss…